A pioneering treatment, known as Flash, is paving the way for an advanced method of radiotherapy that promises to treat a broader range of cancers with fewer side effects, all in under a second, BBC reports.
The experiments, taking place at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (Cern) in Switzerland, could lead to a new generation of radiotherapy machines designed to more effectively target tumors, particularly those in complex areas such as the brain, or cancers that have spread to distant organs. If successful, these treatments may revolutionize the field, providing a less invasive and more efficient solution for cancer patients.
Cern, famous for its work with the Large Hadron Collider, has long been at the forefront of high-energy particle research. More recently, its expertise in particle acceleration has found a new application in cancer treatment. The Flash treatment concept was first proposed by Marie-Catherine Vozenin, a radiobiologist, and her team at Geneva University Hospitals (Hug) in 2014. This breakthrough idea focuses on delivering radiation at ultra-high dose rates in under a second, significantly reducing the risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Radiotherapy, which is used to treat around two-thirds of cancer patients, typically involves exposing cancerous tissue to radiation over a period of several minutes. Although this method has become increasingly precise, it still carries significant risks, such as damaging surrounding healthy tissue or causing side effects like reduced IQ in pediatric brain cancer survivors.
Flash radiotherapy seeks to address these concerns by delivering a higher radiation dose in a shorter period of time, resulting in fewer side effects and the ability to treat tumors that were once considered untreatable. Early animal studies have demonstrated that Flash can significantly increase radiation doses while sparing healthy tissues. In some cases, animals that underwent multiple rounds of Flash treatment showed no adverse effects, which is a marked contrast to conventional treatments.
While this initial data is promising, the research has only recently expanded into human trials. Trials are already underway at institutions like the University of Cincinnati and Lausanne University Hospital. These early-stage trials will help refine the method and determine the optimal dose, effectiveness, and potential side effects for human patients.
The Flash method is not without its challenges, however. It requires specialized equipment to deliver high-energy particles like protons or carbon ions, which are used in current radiotherapy techniques. However, adapting existing proton machines for Flash treatment has been one of the key focus areas of research. Protons are well-suited for deep tissue penetration, making them ideal for targeting internal tumors, and Flash technology could increase their effectiveness.
Despite its promise, Flash radiotherapy is still in the experimental stage. One of the biggest hurdles to widespread adoption is the cost and size of the equipment needed. Particle accelerators, which generate the high-energy radiation required, are large and expensive, meaning that currently only a small number of specialized centers worldwide can offer this form of treatment. But researchers are hopeful that advancements in accelerator technology will make Flash more accessible and eventually allow for smaller machines to be used in general hospitals.
The potential impact of Flash therapy extends beyond treatment effectiveness. It could reduce the burden on healthcare systems by treating more patients in a shorter amount of time. This could also make radiotherapy more accessible in lower-income countries, where the number of available machines is drastically lower than in high-income countries. Flash could streamline treatment protocols, allowing for more patients to be treated in a single session, reducing the need for long, repeated visits.
In the future, Flash radiotherapy could make significant strides in treating metastatic cancers, where the disease has spread to multiple locations in the body. The ability to deliver higher doses of radiation with less damage to healthy tissue could make previously untreatable cancers manageable or even curable.